Paper Aliens is a vibrant, genre-bending quintet based out of Norfolk, VA. The group’s musical discoveries take flight into a unique and refreshing blend of soul-driven psychedelic funk and rock. Unveiling a sound all their own, the energetic five piece curates every show to be different, while making sure everyone has fun and finds a groove to dance to. Since forming in 2018, Paper Aliens has cultivated an organic following to become regional mainstays. Dubbed a “powerhouse” by the Virginian Pilot, their devoted fans propelled them to open for national and regional acts as varied as Son Little, Perpetual Groove, Jojo, Kendall Street Company and No BS Brass Band. The group recorded their debut EP, “Unidentified Audio Phenomena,” in early 2020 at Dragon Ship Studios in Smithfield, VA. Their musical introduction to the world, these six songs weave through experimentation and exploration to unleash soaring vocals, tight grooves, infectious hooks, and climactic solos.
This EP has been a steady friend through the thousand seasons of life we’ve endured this year. From warm, melodic rock to pure funk-forward jazz, Paper Aliens finds a vibe in myriad genres and figures out how to move listeners along with them.
Paper Aliens features Jarvis Griffin (vocals, percussion), Nate Levine (guitars, vocals), Elijah Jackson (bass, vocals), Andrew Wright (keyboards, guitars, vocals), and Brian Slingerland (drums, percussion).